Running Physio

MVMNT Physio - Running Clinic

Our running clinic at MVMNT Physiotherapy aims to progress all runners not only in the form of speed and personal bests, but to improve each runner to become more resilient to injuries. Our aim is to help educate and reduce the risk of injury in each runner whilst helping them progress towards their running goals.

Running is a repetitive sport involving multiple loading cycles. We aim to get a clear insight into how you run and take the guess work out of what is occurring. We use a clinical assessment, strength testing, and functional testing to give us a clear image of what the underlying cause of your pain is. We can then proceed to assess you on our treadmills if appropriate, so that we can get a running plan started.

Unfortunately, with some injuries, our testing may find that you need some time away from running. In this instance, we will have you immediately begin a return to running strength and conditioning program to speed up the recovery process.

Initial Physio Appointment for Runners

  • Evaluation of training history and training loads

  • Establishing running goals and targets

  • Full hands-on clinical assessment

  • Treadmill based assessment of running technique/form if injury allows (very painful injuries may require a period of time away from running)

  • Full lower limb strength testing

What you will leave the running assessment with:

  • Clarity on what is causing your pain, and how we can fix it

  • Overview of acute vs chronic training loads

  • Overview of risk factors from strength testing

  • Running technique/form recommendations (cues and drills)

  • Strength and Conditioning Programme

Follow Up Running Physio Sessions

  • Review of previous running data, running guidance and strength programme

  • Performance based testing of strength and power…these are the important factors to improving your running!

  • Treadmill based assessment of running technique/form, with progressions in speed and distances

  • Updating strength and conditioning protocol based on your running progress

What you’ll leave follow up sessions with:

  • Overview of training loads and plan

  • Updated strength and conditioning plan plus plyometric and power based exercises

  • Updated running plan directed towards your goal outcome

Have you had a Running Injury? Feeling let down by your current physio/therapist? Book a Consultation Call with our Specialist MSK Physiotherapist in Hitchin to help get you back to your best!